Wednesday, October 28, 2020

late night dilemma: BIGO TV

I'm an official streamer host in a platform called BIGO TV; let's talk about that.

I'll be honest, one of the biggest reason why I joined this piece of shit, porn filled, slut-riddled streaming platform is because I was intrigued by the 'culture' of the place.

Now, I don't wanna label every single female who streamed there quote unquote a slut. Most of my friends are now also an official BIGO TV host, too. And I assure that all of them - well most of them - aren't slut.

Some of you might be asking: "Aldy terus lu kenapa join? bukannya elu dari awal udah tau BIGO isinya ga bener semua?" 

The answer is actually simple. One of my closest friend convinced me that the platform isn't that bad. But there's a lot of variables are in play here, for example: