Wednesday, October 28, 2020

late night dilemma: BIGO TV

I'm an official streamer host in a platform called BIGO TV; let's talk about that.

I'll be honest, one of the biggest reason why I joined this piece of shit, porn filled, slut-riddled streaming platform is because I was intrigued by the 'culture' of the place.

Now, I don't wanna label every single female who streamed there quote unquote a slut. Most of my friends are now also an official BIGO TV host, too. And I assure that all of them - well most of them - aren't slut.

Some of you might be asking: "Aldy terus lu kenapa join? bukannya elu dari awal udah tau BIGO isinya ga bener semua?" 

The answer is actually simple. One of my closest friend convinced me that the platform isn't that bad. But there's a lot of variables are in play here, for example:
  1. I was jobless, I got nothing better to do at that point
  2. I like making content, whatever the form. I just wanna create because it boost my self of... being. And i though BIGO can be the platform to do that.
  3. I need a tiny bit of income to survive pandemic
  4. I was lonely, and my friends are at that platform
  5. I need outside validation, which is the worst reason to go join BIGO TV
  6. etc etc
And I regretted even ever downloaded the app. Deep in me I believe that app is a crime against humanity. There's so many fuck-y term and loopholes I learned that I'm gonna put some of it here in hope that I can forget all of it.


This is the first word that was thrown around like it was a fucking confetti and every single host who use heard this word will giggle like they're 13 year old child. When I first heard that word I was completely lost.

It's basically a term for 18+/sexy dance/sexual stuff will be done if some kind of goal are achieved. for example: "yuk guys 15k (gem) aku keindahan" itu artinya kalo dia dapet 15k gem dia nanti keindahan. Mau itu strip tease atau basah-basahin baju. I can't even type that sentence in english. That's how disgusted I am.

Yes, BIGO will ban you if you ever show even a single nipple or your sounded too young. But that's easy to go around right? Just go to a different place to show dem titties! make an throwaway IG account you're set! Now give those girls their money first and they will surely give you... probably less than 15 seconds of boobies.


If you wanna debate me using that logic I am so ready to fucking destroy you in a debate thunderdome. Me liking girl bodies doesn't mean I like looking at them selling themselves short at a corrupt, nasty platform.

Why corrupt? Oh yes, let me explain more.


Spender is a term for people who's got the money. I can safely say after months of research that the usual suspect of a spender is a bored office worker with upper middle class income with no significant others (tapi kadang ada aja yang sudah beristri, masih aja maen beginian).

These fucker is the number one reason BIGO TV still a fucking thing. Most mobile live streaming app went bankrupt because they got sued for pornography and such. But BIGO is different. BIGO got so fucking huge that they are able to handle the outside criticism and lawsuits.

And before you fuck accusing me of bullshitting, read this here

DISCLAIMER: BIGO TV got rules to prevent pornographic content. Alcohol and cigs are also strictly prohibited by their rules. They got 24/7 moderation by their huge team and will ban accordingly. What I'm saying here is how easy people go around that. 


I fucking hate BIGO TV, but I like to make some kind of contents and showing it to people. Like I was saying; it gives me reason to... idk, looking forward for the next day? But yes.I'm sure there's a lot of stuff better I could do/make rather than rotting myself to death in BIGO. Fuck, I rather write these kind of shit. (even though it's absolute dog poop and I'm sure no one will read these)

I though Id be able to write more but rn it's 3 in the morning and I felt a bit better after spewing some of my dilemma. But I might continue this thread. I think i still have some grudges in me. Maybe other time.

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